
In the labyrinth of life, where paths converge, Hold love as a lantern, a guiding surge. Before it becomes a whisper in the night, Let its radiance envelop you, bright.

In the cosmic dance of stars and fate, Hold love as a secret, a treasure to sate. Before it becomes a memory's wistful gleam, Embrace its essence like a timeless dream.

In the symphony of chaos, where hearts entwine, Hold love as a masterpiece, a work divine. Before it becomes a verse in the poet's rhyme, Capture its essence in the sands of time.

For love is a kaleidoscope, ever-changing, Hold it close, amidst life's rearranging. Before it becomes a fleeting comet's trail, Embrace its magic, let it prevail.

In the mosaic of existence, where stories unfold, Hold onto love, a saga untold. Before it becomes a legend in the lore, Cherish its journey, forevermore.


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