
a little more

Just stay a little more The more To hold me To scold me I know you do a little more For that just stay a little more  I know you are growing old But grow a little more  To hug me To bug me I know you do  And you will keep doing it Since days all nights  Through darks to lights  I know you were doing, You are doing doing and  You will always be doing a little more. A little even more to stay around till all my life  Like husband and wife  But In the form of best friends a little more. Just stay a little more m My cutie pie My sweetest bite. Wanna grab you a little more. Oye. Stay a little more.  And  it's your b'day  Don't be shy .. Not outside  But go inside  In your soul and ask how much I love you. It will shout a little more  A little more than you do your little soul. A little more  For that a little more. Just stay a little more. Happiest birthday my happy bowl. My happy soul.🧿❤️


In the labyrinth of life, where paths converge, Hold love as a lantern, a guiding surge. Before it becomes a whisper in the night, Let its radiance envelop you, bright. In the cosmic dance of stars and fate, Hold love as a secret, a treasure to sate. Before it becomes a memory's wistful gleam, Embrace its essence like a timeless dream. In the symphony of chaos, where hearts entwine, Hold love as a masterpiece, a work divine. Before it becomes a verse in the poet's rhyme, Capture its essence in the sands of time. For love is a kaleidoscope, ever-changing, Hold it close, amidst life's rearranging. Before it becomes a fleeting comet's trail, Embrace its magic, let it prevail. In the mosaic of existence, where stories unfold, Hold onto love, a saga untold. Before it becomes a legend in the lore, Cherish its journey, forevermore.

symphony plays

In the echoes of our silent tears, Love's tumultuous symphony plays. In the midst of our darkest fears, Our hearts tangled in love's maze. Through the stormy nights we sway, In the dance of joy and pain. Words like daggers, hearts astray, Yet our love refuses to wane. In the depths of our weary souls, Lies a bond no strife can sever. In the shadows where sorrow rolls, Resides a love that lasts forever. Though the path be rough and steep, And our hearts may ache and bleed, In each other's arms, we find our keep, For love is the only balm we need. So let us linger in love's embrace, Through the tempests that may come. For in the tears upon your face, I find the refuge of our home.

I hate lies

Fly boldly..... Don't need to cry .... Just to pretend You don't lie..... Buy it's a sigh.. I kept my hopes high With no more goodbyes. But baby you know I hate lies


I became the light when everything turned dark around me. But  This light wants to get fused it's tired of fucking lightening other's life.


In solitude's embrace, I take my stand, With purpose firm, in this vast, mindful land. I shun the idle whispers of the crowd, For aimless chatter, I've never been avowed. Each word I choose, with purpose it must ring, A symphony of thought, my voice shall sing. No time to squander, in empty discourse, For life's too precious, a finite resource. In silence, I find wisdom's gentle grace, A path less traveled, a serene embrace. I measure words, like treasures to bestow, In conversations deep, my passions flow. I'm proud of this resolve, so steadfast and true, To converse with purpose, to ideas pursue. In advanced English's realm, I find my voice, A choice to cherish, a reason to rejoice.

emotionally disabled

In shadows' grasp, my heart lies still, A symphony of sorrow, a silent chill. Emotion's canvas painted gray, In a world of numbness, I'm led astray. Tears like raindrops never shed, Joy's distant echo, long since fled. A soul adrift in a sea of pain, Seeking solace, but all in vain. Each breath a struggle, a heavy weight, Hopes extinguished, dreams abate. Yet in this darkness, a glimmer remains, A fight to find light despite the chains.